#include <scoAdmin/stanza.h>stanza_cl * StanzaHandle(void);
void StanzaHandleFree(stanza_cl *sfp);
#define StanzaNew StanzaHandle #define StanzaDelete StanzaHandleFree
bool_t StanzaOpen(stanza_cl *sfp, char *stanzaFileName, stanzaMode_t openMode, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
bool_t StanzaClose(stanza_cl *sfp, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
const char * StanzaFilename(stanza_cl *sfp);
bool_t StanzaGetAttrs(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char ***attrs, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
bool_t StanzaGetSects(stanza_cl *sfp , const char ***sects, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
bool_t StanzaGetVals(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const char ***vals, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
bool_t StanzaPrint(stanza_cl *sfp, errStatus_cl *errStatus);
bool_t StanzaAddSect(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaDelSect(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaModSect(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *newName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaAddAttr(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaDelAttr(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaModAttr(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const char *newName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaAddValue(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const char *valName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaDelValue(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const char *valName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaModValue(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const char *valName, const char *newName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaModIdxValue(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const int valIdx, const char *valName, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaReplaceValue(stanza_cl *sfp, const char *sectName, const char *attrName, const int valueCount, const char **values, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
bool_t StanzaSync(stanza_cl *sfp, errStatus_cl *errPtr);
StanzaOpen- open a stanza file
StanzaClose- writes stanza file to disk
StanzaFilename- obtain filename associated with a stanza handle
StanzaGetAttrs- get attributes from a section
StanzaGetSects- return a Tcl list of sections found in stanza file
StanzaGetVals- get list of values from stanza file
StanzaPrint- print contents of a stanza file
StanzaAddSect- add section to stanza file
StanzaDelSect- delete section in stanza file
StanzaModSect- change name of section in a stanza file
StanzaAddAttr- add an attribute to a stanza section
StanzaDelAttr- delete an attribute in a stanza section
StanzaModAttr- modify attribute in a stanza section
StanzaAddValue- add a value to a stanza file
StanzaDelValue- delete a value from a stanza file
StanzaModValue- modify a value in a stanza section
StanzaModIdxValue- replace indexed stanza value with new value
StanzaReplaceValue- replace value in a stanza section
StanzaSync- update a stanza file
The C interface to the stanza database library provides functionality equivalent to that of the Tcl interface with a few language-dependent changes. For the functional description of the stanza library, see Stanza(TCL_ADM).
The differences between the C and Tcl interfaces are as follows:
stanza_cl *stzfile; char **valuelist = { "value1", "value2", "value3" }; errStatus_cl err;StanzaReplaceValue(stzfile, "section", "attribute", 3, valuelist, &err);
stanza_cl *stzfile; char **valuelist, **valueptr; errStatus_cl err;StanzaGetVals(stzfile, "section", "attribute", &valuelist, &err); for (valueptr = valuelist; *valueptr != NULL; valueptr++) printf("%s\n", *valueptr);