VtFrame --
create frame around single child, return widget name
VtFrame widgetName [options]
Creates a Frame widget which places a three-dimensional border around
a single child. Returns the widget name of the Frame.
The border can have different shadow types in
the graphical environment, but in the character mode server it is just a
single line.
For example, to create an empty box:
set frame [VtFrame $form.frame -shadowType ETCHED_IN]
set rowcol [VtRowColumn $frame.rowcol ]
VtLabel $rowcol.lab1 -label " "
-asForm (C)-
Specifies that the Frame is to hold multiple children and that
they are to be positioned as if the Frame was a Form. If the Frame
does this using a child Form the Form is named vt_frameForm.
-shadowType IN | OUT | ETCHED_IN | ETCHED_OUT (CSG)-
Sets the shadow type of the frame.
-title string (CS)-
Puts the title at the top of the frame widget. This is not supported in
character mode.
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003