nictable --
process NIC database into channel/domain tables
[ -CDT ]
[ -d domain ] [ -s service ]
[ -t transport ]
nictable is the tool responsible for taking the hosts.txt
table supplied by the SRI Network Information Center and creating
domain and channel tables.
Options to nictable are as follows:
The -C option causes the program to generate a channel table on the
standard output.
The -D option causes nictable to create a domain table.
It should be combined with the -d option (below), which
identifies the domain table to be built.
-T -
The -T option creates a ``top'' or ``rootdomain'' table.
No trailing domain spec is removed from the LHS entry.
-d domain -
The -d domain option specifies that only hosts in
domain should be output.
An exception to this is when -d is combined with -T.
In this case, all entries will be output except for those
in the domain specified with -T.
The intention is that you grab all of one domain with -D,
and then grab everybody else with -T.
-s service -
The -s service option specifies that only hosts that
are listed as supporting service should be output.
-t transport -
The -t transport option is like -s
except that it states that only hosts supporting the transport
protocol specified should be considered.
Typical usage involves two or three invocations:
nictable -C < /etc/hosts.txt > smtpchannel
nictable -D -d ARPA < /etc/hosts.txt > arpadomain
(and optionally)
nictable -T -d ARPA < /etc/hosts.txt > rootdomain
Standards conformance
nictable is not part of any currently supported standard; it
is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003