If arguments are given, an entry is replaced or made in
name is the last component of the device pathname,
lev is the backup level number (from 0 to 9), and
date is a time in the form taken by date(C):
where the first mm is a two-digit month in the range 01-12, dd is a two-digit day of the month from 01-31, hh is a two-digit military hour from 00-23, and the final mm is a two-digit minute from 00-59. An optional two-digit year, yy, is presumed to be rightmost two digits of the year value (that is: 19yy or 20yy). sddate interprets the yy value as following:
Some sites may wish to back up filesystems by copying them in their entirety to backup media. sddate could be used to make a ``level 0'' entry in /etc/ddate, which would then allow incremental backups.
For example:
sddate rhd0 5 10081520
makes an /etc/ddate entry showing a level 5 backup of /dev/rhd0 on October 8, at 3:20 pm.
bad conversion