


       lsearch - See if a list contains a particular element


       lsearch ?options? list pattern


       This  command  searches  the  elements  of  list  to see if one of them
       matches pattern.  If so, the command returns the  index  of  the  first
       matching  element  (unless  the options -all or -inline are specified.) |
       If not, the command returns -1.  The option arguments indicates how the
       elements of the list are to be matched against pattern and it must have
       one of the following values:

       -all   Changes the result to be the list of all  matching  indices  (or |
              all matching values if -inline is specified as well.)

       -ascii The  list  elements  are  to be examined as Unicode strings (the
              name is for backward-compatability  reasons.)   This  option  is
              only meaningful when used with -exact or -sorted.

              The  list  elements are sorted in decreasing order.  This option
              is only meaningful when used with -sorted.

              The list elements are to be compared using dictionary-style com-
              parisons  (see  lsort for a fuller description).  This option is
              only meaningful when used with -exact or -sorted, and it is only
              distinguishable  from  the -ascii option when the -sorted option
              is given, because values are only dictionary-equal when  exactly

       -exact The  list  element  must contain exactly the same string as pat-

       -glob  Pattern is a glob-style pattern which is  matched  against  each
              list element using the same rules as the string match command.

              The  list  elements are sorted in increasing order.  This option
              is only meaningful when used with -sorted.

              The matching value is returned instead of its index (or an empty |
              string  if  no  value matches.)  If -all is also specified, then |
              the result of the  command  is  the  list  of  all  values  that |

              The  list  elements are to be compared as integers.  This option
              is only meaningful when used with -exact or -sorted.

       -not   This negates the sense of the match, returning the index of  the |
              first non-matching value in the list.

       -real  The  list  elements are to be compared as floating-point values.
              This option is only meaningful when used with -exact or -sorted.

              Pattern  is  treated as a regular expression and matched against
              each list element using the rules  described  in  the  re_syntax
              reference page.

              The list elements are in sorted order.  If this option is speci-
              fied, lsearch will use a more efficient searching  algorithm  to
              search list.  If no other options are specified, list is assumed
              to be sorted in increasing order, and to contain ASCII  strings.
              This option is mutually exclusive with -glob and -regexp, and is
              treated exactly like -exact when either -all, or -not is  speci-

       -start index
              The  list  is searched starting at position index.  If index has |
              the value end, it refers to the last element in  the  list,  and |
              end-integer  refers  to  the  last element in the list minus the |
              specified integer offset.

       If option is omitted then it defaults to -glob.  If more  than  one  of
       -exact,  -glob,  -regexp, and -sorted is specified, whichever option is
       specified last takes precedence.  If more than one of -ascii,  -dictio-
       nary,  -integer and -real is specified, the option specified last takes
       precedence.  If more than one of -increasing and -decreasing is  speci-
       fied, the option specified last takes precedence.


              lsearch {a b c d e} c => 2                                       |
              lsearch -all {a b c a b c} c => 2 5                              |
              lsearch -inline {a20 b35 c47} b* => b35                          |
              lsearch -inline -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => a20                     |
              lsearch -all -inline -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => a20 c47            |
              lsearch -all -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => 0 2                        |
              lsearch -start 3 {a b c a b c} c => 5                            |


       foreach(n),  list(n),  lappend(n),  lindex(n),  linsert(n), llength(n), |
       lset(n), lsort(n), lrange(n), lreplace(n)


       list, match, pattern, regular expression, search, string

Tcl                                   8.4                           lsearch(n)

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