


       upvar - Create link to variable in a different stack frame


       upvar ?level? otherVar myVar ?otherVar myVar ...?


       This  command  arranges  for one or more local variables in the current
       procedure to refer to variables in an enclosing procedure  call  or  to
       global  variables.   Level  may have any of the forms permitted for the
       uplevel command, and may be omitted if the first letter  of  the  first
       otherVar  isn't  #  or  a  digit (it defaults to 1).  For each otherVar
       argument, upvar makes the variable by that name in the procedure  frame
       given  by  level (or at global level, if level is #0) accessible in the
       current procedure by the name given in the  corresponding  myVar  argu-
       ment.  The variable named by otherVar need not exist at the time of the
       call;  it will be created the first time myVar is referenced, just like
       an  ordinary  variable.   There  must  not exist a variable by the name
       myVar at the time upvar is invoked.  MyVar is  always  treated  as  the
       name  of a variable, not an array element.  Even if the name looks like
       an array element, such as a(b), a regular variable is created.   Other-
       Var  may  refer  to  a  scalar variable, an array, or an array element.
       Upvar returns an empty string.

       The upvar command simplifies the implementation of call-by-name  proce-
       dure  calling  and also makes it easier to build new control constructs
       as Tcl procedures.  For example, consider the following procedure:
              proc add2 name {
                 upvar $name x
                 set x [expr $x+2]
       add2 is invoked with an argument giving the name of a variable, and  it
       adds  two to the value of that variable.  Although add2 could have been
       implemented using uplevel instead of upvar, upvar makes it simpler  for
       add2 to access the variable in the caller's procedure frame.

       namespace  eval  is  another way (besides procedure calls) that the Tcl
       naming context can change.  It adds a call frame to the stack to repre-
       sent  the  namespace  context.   This means each namespace eval command
       counts as another call level for uplevel and upvar commands.  For exam-
       ple,  info  level  1  will  return  a list describing a command that is
       either the outermost procedure call or  the  outermost  namespace  eval
       command.   Also, uplevel #0 evaluates a script at top-level in the out-
       ermost namespace (the global namespace).

       If an upvar variable is unset (e.g. x in add2 above), the unset  opera- |
       tion  affects  the  variable  it  is linked to, not the upvar variable. |
       There is no way to unset an upvar variable except by exiting the proce- |
       dure  in  which  it is defined.  However, it is possible to retarget an |
       upvar variable by executing another upvar command.                      |


       Upvar interacts with traces in a  straightforward  but  possibly  unex- |
       pected  manner.  If a variable trace is defined on otherVar, that trace |
       will be triggered by actions involving myVar.  However, the trace  pro- |
       cedure will be passed the name of myVar, rather than the name of other- |
       Var.  Thus, the output of the following code will  be  localVar  rather |
       than originalVar:                                                       |
              proc traceproc { name index op } {                               |
                 puts $name                                                    |
              }                                                                |
              proc setByUpvar { name value } {                                 |
                 upvar $name localVar                                          |
                 set localVar $value                                           |
              }                                                                |
              set originalVar 1                                                |
              trace variable originalVar w traceproc                           |
              setByUpvar originalVar 2                                         |
              }                                                                |

       If  otherVar refers to an element of an array, then variable traces set |
       for the entire array will not be invoked when myVar  is  accessed  (but |
       traces  on  the particular element will still be invoked).  In particu- |
       lar, if the array is env, then changes made to myVar will not be passed |
       to subprocesses correctly.


       A  decr command that works like incr except it subtracts the value from
       the variable instead of adding it:
              proc decr {varName {decrement 1}} {
                  upvar 1 $varName var
                  incr var [expr {-$decrement}]


       global(n), namespace(n), uplevel(n), variable(n)


       context, frame, global, level, namespace, procedure, variable

Tcl                                                                   upvar(n)

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