Radio button
Source: Motif; CUA; Windows
Aliases: Command button; Option button
Related: Check box; Button; Tool bar
SCO Visual Tcl commands: VtRadioBox, VxRadioBox
A radio button is a screen object used for selecting an item from a small
list of fixed, mutually exclusive options. A radio button is
composed of a graphic that shows the selected item and a
text or graphic label (Motif uses a diamond, Windows uses
a circle).

One item should always be selected (preferably the
default choice). Selecting one radio button deselects
another (or all the rest).
Used for selection, not for navigation or for invoking a command.
Use radio buttons when there are three or fewer choices.
Use a single-selection list box when there are more than
three choices.
Group radio buttons by surrounding them with blank
space; use a group box only if necessary.
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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003