In the following is a list of networking error codes, the protocol or operation during which the error is likely to occur is given at the beginning of the explanation.
EALREADY | Operation already in progress | |
EINPROGRESS | Operation now in progress | |
EWOULDBLOCK | Operation would block |
EADDRINUSE | Address already in use | An attempt was made to create a socket with a UNIX pathname which already exists. |
EAFNOSUPPORT | Address family not supported by protocol family | |
EDESTADDRREQ | Destination address required | |
EMSGSIZE | Message too long | |
ENOTSOCK | Socket operation on non-socket | |
EOPNOTSUPP | Operation not supported on socket | |
EPFNOSUPPORT | Protocol family not supported | |
EPROTONOSUPPORT | Protocol not supported | Creating a socket. Unknown protocol or protocol not supported. |
EPROTOTYPE | Protocol wrong type for socket | Creating a socket. Socket type request has no supporting protocol. |
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT | Socket type not supported |
ECONNABORTED | Software caused connection abort | |
ECONNREFUSED | Connection refused | Socket connection. The host refused service for some reason. This error is usually caused by a server process not being present at the requested name. |
ECONNRESET | Connection reset by peer | The remote peer forced the session to be closed. |
EISCONN | Socket is already connected | An attempt was made to establish a connection on a socket that already has one or an attempt was made to send a datagram with the destination address specified and the socket is already connected. |
ENOBUFS | No buffer space available | Any socket operation. The system lacks sufficient memory for an internal data structure. |
ENOENT | No such file or directory | Connection could not be established. |
ENOTCONN | Socket is not connected | An attempt was made to send a datagram, but no destination address is specified, and the socket has not been connected. |
ESHUTDOWN | Cannot send after socket shutdown |
ENOPROTOOPT | Protocol not available |