SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
Hotline on Object-Oriented Technology.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
International OOP Directory.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
Object Magazine.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
SCO Magazine: The Journal for Builders
& Buyers of SCO Open Systems.
CMP Publixations, Inc.,
600 Community Dr.,
Manhasset, NY 11030.
The Smalltalk Report.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.
UNIX Review.
600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
UNIX World.
The X Resource.
O'Reilley and Associates,
103A Morris Street,
Sebastapol CA 95472-9902.
A quarterly working journal for X programmers
that provides practical, timely information
about the programming, administration,
and use of the X Window System.
This is the official publisher of the
MIT X Consortium Technical
Conference Proceedings, which form the
January issue.
The X Journal: Serving the X Window System Community.
SIGS Publications,
588 Broadway, Suite 604,
New York, NY, 10012.