Configuring kernel parameters
Kernel parameters control the allocation of various kernel resources. These resources are constantly being used, released and recycled, and include:Each resource limit is represented by a separate kernel parameter. The limit imposed by a parameter can be decreased or extended, sometimes at the expense of other resources. Deciding how to optimize the use of these resources is one aspect of kernel performance tuning.
For a description of the autotuning facilities provided in SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 and later, see ``Autotuning''
For a description of the tools available for examining and changing parameters, see ``Configuration tools''.
For a description of the various kernel parameters that you can change using the configure(ADM) utility or via the Hardware/Kernel Manager, see ``Kernel parameters that you can change using configure''.
For a description of the various kernel parameters that you can only change from the command line using the idtune(ADM) utility, see ``Using idtune to reallocate kernel resources''.
See ``Using configure to change kernel resources'' for a description of how to run the configure(ADM) utility.
If you have TCP/IP installed on your system, see ``Configuring TCP/IP tunable parameters''.
If you are using the LAN Manager Client Filesystem (LMCFS), see ``LAN Manager Client Filesystem parameters''.