Going from DOS to UNIX
This appendix contains a table showing some common MS-DOS commands and their UNIX system equivalents.For more information about any of the UNIX system commands, consult the Operating System User's Reference.
The commands listed in ``Equivalent UNIX and DOS commands'' are for working with UNIX system files. If you have DOS installed on the same machine as your SCO OpenServer system, you can access your DOS files from within the UNIX system. For more information about accessing DOS files from the SCO OpenServer system, see ``Working with DOS'' or doscmd(C).
Equivalent UNIX and DOS commands
DOS | UNIX system | ||
| |||
command | What it does | equivalent | Notes |
cd | change directories | cd(C) | |
cls | clear the screen | clear(C) | |
copy | copy files |
copy(C), tar(C) | Use cp to copy files, copy to copy directories, and tar to copy files or directories onto floppy disks or tapes. |
date | display the system date and time |
cal(C) | On the UNIX system, date displays the date and the time. cal displays the date, the time, and a 3-month calendar. |
del | delete a file | rm(C) |
Be careful when using rm with wildcard characters,
like rm ![]() |
dir | list the contents of a directory | ls(C) | There are a variety of options to ls including ls -l to see a long listing, ls -c to see a listing in columns, and ls -f to see a listing that indicates file types. |
diskcomp | make a track-by-track comparison of two floppy disks | diskcmp(C) | |
diskcopy | copy a source disk to a target disk | diskcp(C) | |
edlin | line editor |
ex(C), vi(C) | vi is a full-screen text editor with powerful search and replace functions. ed and ex are predecessors of vi. |
fc | compare two files |
diff3(C), cmp(C) | diff compares two text files. diff3 compares three text files. Use cmp to compare binary files. |
find | find text within a file | grep(C) | grep (global regular expression parser) finds text within a file. The UNIX system's find(C) command finds files. |
format | format a disk | format(C) | See /etc/default/format for the default drive to format. The format command formats a disk for use with UNIX system files. Use dosformat (see doscmd(C)) to format a DOS disk. |
mkdir | make a directory | mkdir(C) | |
more | display output one screen at a time | more(C) | |
print files in the background | lp(C) | Use lp filename & to print in the background. You can run any UNIX system command in the background by adding & (ampersand) to the end of the command line. | |
ren | rename a file | mv(C) | |
rmdir | remove an empty directory | rmdir(C) | Use rm -r to remove a directory that is not empty. |
sort | sort data | sort(C) | |
type | display a text file |
more(C) | |
xcopy | copy directories |
tar(C) | Use tar if you want to copy directories onto disk or tape. |